Gilson Online
Une conférence de 35mn, sur la tolérance:
1970, entrevue avec le philosophe Etienne Gilson à propos de la langue française:
En 1963, conférence remarquable d'Étienne Gilson au Canada : «L'Essence du tragique chez Racine»:
By Étienne Gilson:
- Études de philosophie médiévale. Strasbourg 1921.
- History of Philosophy and Philosophical Education. Marquette University Press, 1948.
- Introduction à l’étude de saint Augustin. Paris: Vrin, 1943.
- La philosophie au moyen âge. Paris: Payot & C., 1922.
- Le Thomisme. Introduction au système de Saint Thomas d’Aquin. Paris: Librairie Philosophique J. Vrin, 1922. Or via here
- Methodical Realism. Trans. Philip Trower. Christendom Press, 1990.
- Reason and Revelation in the Middle Ages. New York – London 1939.
- The Philosophy of St. Bonaventure. Trans. Dom Illtyd Trethowan and F. J. Sheed. London: Sheed & Ward, 1940.
- The Philosophy of St. Thomas Aquinas. Trans. Edward Bullough. W. Heffer and Sons Ltd., England, and B. Herder Book Company, USA, 1924.
- The Spirit of Mediaeval Philosophy. Trans. A. H. C. Downes. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1940.
- The Terrors of the Year Two Thousand. Toronto: University of St. Michael College, 1984.
- The Unity of Philosophical Experience. London: Sheed and Ward, 1955.
About Étienne Gilson
- “Étienne Gilson.” In Dictionnaire (électronique) prosopographique de l’EPHE.
- Arbib, Dan, et Francesco Marrone, ed. Gilson et Descartes. À l’occasion du centenaire de ‘La liberté chez Descartes et la théologie’, avant-propos de J.-R. Amogathe, Lecce, Conte Editore, Alvearium, «Examina Philosophica» II, 2015. Actes du colloque international du 21 juin 2013, Fondation Del Duca.
- Beuchot, Mauricio. “La filosofía y la lingüística en Étienne Gilson.” Acta poetica 6 (1986): 109-125.
- Dewan, Lawrence, O.P. “Étienne Gilson and the Actus Essendi.” Études maritainiennes [Maritain Studies] 15 (1999): 70-96.
- Fafara, Richard. "Étienne Gilson’s Early Social and Political Thought" New Blackfriars, Volume 103, Issue 1103 (January 2022), pp.: 36-61.
- Fafara, Richard J. Etienne Gilson: Formation and Accomplishment. Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 2018.
- Fafara, Richard. “Étienne Gilson in Charlottesville.” Philosophy & Theology 26, no. 2 (2014): 295–305; DOI: 10.5840/philtheol201492314.
- Fafara, Richard. “Is Philosophical Atheism Possible?” Christian Apologetics Journal 14, no. 1 (Spring 2016): 71–87.
- Fafara, Richard. “Gilson’s Christian Philosophy: A Change in ‘Tone’.” New Blackfriars 94, no. 1051 (May 2013): 267-277.
- Fafara, Richard. “Gilson and Gouhier: Framing ‘Christian Philosophy’.” The Heythrop Journal XLIX (2008): 994-1013.
- Fafara, Richard. “Terror, Totalitarianism, and Philosophy,” 665-675. In Sztuka i realizm [Art and Reality]. Eds. T. Duma, A. Maryniarczyk, P. Sulenta. Lublin: PTTA & KUL, 2014. ISBN 978-83-60144-67-1.
- FitzGerald, Desmond J. “Gilson, ‘Aeterni Patris’, and the Direction of Twenty-First Century Catholic Philosophy,” 83-90. In The Future of Thomism. Ed. Deal W. Hudson. American Maritain Association, 1991.
- FitzGerald, Desmond. “Gilson and Maritain on the Principle of Sufficient Reason,” 120-127. In Jacques Maritain and the Many Ways of Knowing. Ed. Douglas A. Ollivant. American Maritain Association, 2002.
- FitzGerald, Desmond. “Maritain and Gilson on Painting,” 190-199. In Beauty, Art, and the Polis. Ed. Alice Ramos. American Maritain Association, 2000.
- FitzGerald, Desmond. “Maritain and Gilson on the Challenge of Political Democracy,” 61-69. In Reassessing the Liberal State: Reading Maritain’s Man and the State. Eds. Timothy Fuller and John P. Hittinger. Washington, D. C.: American Maritain Association, 2001.
- Garcia, Brian. “Philosophy and Its History: An Analysis of Gilson’s Historical Method and Treatment of Neoplatonism.” Ramify 1 (Spring 2010): 82-93.
- Grisez, Germain G. “Etienne Gilson: Elements of Christian Philosophy.” Reprinted from The Thomist XXIII, no. 3 (1960): 448-476.
- Humbrecht, Thierry-Dominique. “Étienne Gilson et la politique.” Revue thomiste 114 (2014): 227-287.
- Knasas, John F. X. “A Heideggerian Critique of Aquinas and a Gilsonian Reply,” 128-140. In Postmodernism and Christian Philosophy. Ed. Roman T. Ciapalo. American Maritain Association, 1997.
- Knasas, John F. X. “Gilson vs. Maritain: The Start of Thomistic Metaphysics.” 169-184. In The Future of Thomism. Ed. Deal W. Hudson. American Maritain Association, 1991.
- Moya Obradors, Pedro Javier. “El ser en Santo Tomás de Aquino, según Etienne Gilson.” Anales De Filosofia IV (1986): 175-186.
- Nelson, Ralph. “Music and Religion in Gilson’s Philosophy of Art,” 160-175. In Beauty, Art, and the Polis. Ed. Alice Ramos. American Maritain Association, 2000.
- Obolevitch, Teresa. “Russia in Étienne Gilson.” 451-465. In Russian Thought in Europe. Eds. Teresa Obolevitch, Tomasz Homa, Józef Bremer. Kraków 2013.
- O’Neil,
- Paiva, Gustavo Barreto Vilhena de. “Étienne Gilson leitor de Henrique de Gand,” 143-151. In Anais da VIII Semana de Orientação Filosófica e Acadêmica. São Paulo: Blucher, 2014.
- Shook, Laurence K. “The Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies.” In Catholic post-secondary education in English-speaking Canada, a history, 210–228. [Toronto] University of Toronto Press [1971].
- Sochoń, Jan. “Étienne Gilson in The Universal Encyclopedia of Philosophy.” Studia Gilsoniana 7, no. 4 (October-December 2018): 689-708.
- Tat, Alin. “Le Thomisme Comme «Philosophie Chrétienne» Chez Étienne Gilson Et Claude Tresmontant.” Verbum VI, no. 2 (2004): 423-434.
- The articles published in Studia Gilsoniana:
- Chamberlain.pdf, 2017: The Dispute between Gilson and Maritain over Thomist Realism by Stephen Chamberlain
- Dougherty.pdf, 2012: Gilson and Rémi Brague on Medieval Arabic Philosophy by Jude P. Dougherty
- Fafara.pdf, 2014: Gilson and Pascal by Richard J. Fafara
- Filippi.pdf, 2015: En torno a la metafísica del Éxodo by Silvana Filippi
- FitzGerald.pdf, 2015: Gilson, Darwin, and Intelligent Design by Desmond J. FitzGerald
- GarcíaCuadrado.pdf, 2016: Gilson y Báñez: Luces y sombras de un encuentro tardío by José Ángel García Cuadrado
- Hancock.pdf, 2012: Gilson on the Rationality of Christian Belief by Curtis L. Hancock
- Kemple.pdf, 2015: Evaluating the Metaphysical Realism of Étienne Gilson by Brian Kemple
- Mango.pdf, 2013: MacIntyre’s Gilsonian Preference by Peter Mango
- Munoz.pdf, 2013: La aportación de Étienne Gilson al problema de la inmortalidad del alma humana en Cayetano by Ceferino P.D. Muñoz
- NnamdiKonye.pdf, 2016: Gilson on Dogmatism by Fr. Michael Nnamdi Konye
- Redpath-Gilson.pdf, 2012: Gilson as Christian Humanist by Peter A. Redpath
- Redpath-Importance.pdf, 2012: The Importance of Gilson by Peter A. Redpath
- Schall.pdf, 2015: On the Contingency of Our Own Beatitude. Some Reflections on Gilson’s The Future of Augustinian Metaphysics by James V. Schall, S.J.
- Tarasiewicz.pdf, 2015: Gilson, Krąpiec and Christian Philosophy Today by Fr. Pawel Tarasiewicz